Monday, March 26, 2007


The kids and I started to write in our brand new journals today. Some of you may ask yourselves, "Journals? What is a journal? Is that like a blog." Yes, my friends. A journal is a blog except instead of typing on a computer, you write with a pen on actual real paper. I can already hear some of you gasping at this. Nonetheless it was a great experience. I wanted the kids to get used to recording their thoughts on paper for future generations. I love going back and reading my old journals.

Lately I've been doing the blog thing (obviously) because I can type so much faster than I can write. But I decided to set a good example and bought myself another journal with which to record my thoughts. Today I wrote about Georgia, Joshua's birth, what our house looks like, how beautiful spring is, and how much I love my family. Jacob wrote about his day today. Kaylee drew pictures as she is still too young to write and I wrote captions underneath so that we'd know what she was drawing when she looks back on it years from now.

I'm glad that we decided to do this. Hopefully it will become part of our nightly routine. I'm hoping that by my encouraging the kids to write they'll be able to do the same for me.

Hooray for journals!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Well, you know that JB and I are big on journaling. We both write every night before bed, and this is very helpful during "what did we do for our last anniversary" disputes and similar conflicts. :) Keep it up, I'd say. I've been keeping an (almost) daily record since my second year of college, and all I can think now is why didn't I start sooner!!