Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall Festival

Jacob's school had a Fall Festival today. I thought I'd be brave and take the kids to it (all by myself, I might add, as Jarum was in the middle of taking another dental board exam). We had an absolute blast! The kids were well behaved, they had a great time winning prizes at the various booths, and they especially enjoyed riding horses! The best part was after all of the attractions and food the whole day cost me only $15! Now that is awesome!

Here are the kids next to the volunteer fire department truck. Matthew is into all things with wheels at the moment, and so this was a big deal for him.
Joshua spent the whole time in his seat, but he didn't mind too much. As long as he had food when he was hungry, he was a joy.
We were about to leave when we saw the horses. Two laps around the enclosure was a buck, so I let the older two kids have a go. Jacob is on a full-grown horse. He thought it was so cool.
Kaylee wanted to ride the pony. In every picture I took of her she looks so aristocratic. I think she is either imagining herself as one of her beloved princess or else she was just born to look good on a horse.
I told the kids that we could get ice cream at the festival, but when I saw the price I told them I'd get them ice cream cones at McDonald's. I don't know if you can tell, but Matthew is wearing most of his. When I pulled him out of the car he looked like he had a Santa beard. :p

We are very excited for Jarum to be finished with his test. He has vowed to never take another board exam. It's very stressful, but totally worth it when it starts to bring in extra money. We'll find out his results in about a month. Good luck, Jarum!

Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'm so exhausted from today. It was fun, but boy! I need some sleep! :D


Tara said...

Lucky!!! You guys got horses!!! That looks like a way more fun carnival than we had, my kids would have died if there were horses!

MOM/SUSAN said...

I just now saw this posting. You are exactly right about Kaylee's pose---ever the drama queen!
I can't believe you had all of that fun stuff to do at a school carnival.

Naomi said...

It really was a blast! We loved going and I know the kids had a good time.

Megan said...

Wow. That pic of Kaylee rocks my socks. Oh, and PS, I'm excited for all of us to be roomies!! Woo hoo!