Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Thoughts - Day 10

Today's Happy Thoughts are brought to you be the happy thought that I have not yet had to check myself into an insane asylum due to having children. :)

Water Fights
Istanbul (the song)
Writing long notes/letters/books/novels/series
Happy dancing
Camping with curling irons
Never running out of Happy Thoughts
Flattering dresses
Long shorts
Being able to count
We've already learned the most difficult language
Extra credit
Bean tacos that...... never mind
Bon fires
Roasting marshmallows over a stove
Burning logs on TV when you don't have a fireplace (or, in the case of my dad, the Hi-Def Yule Log)
Sudden bursts of energy
Knowing what day it is
Maps that you can read
Not getting lost on long trips
Family reunions without cheek-pinchers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Thoughts - Day 9

Today's Happy Thoughts are brought to you by the joy that is watching my toddler rock out to R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World As We Know It" for the third consecutive listen. Rock on!

Automatic toasters
Ghost Stories
Warm quilts
Well-lit rooms
Telling time
Ice Cream
Tying your shoes
Clean chalk boards
Not getting in trouble for saying, "You Suck!"
You get a lot out of playing country songs backward
Anyone can learn to country dance
Slow dances
Stake dances
Spanish and French are semi-similar
"I Moan" is not so terrible
Jumping on trampolines with boys
Being Evile

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy Thoughts - Day 8

Today's Happy Thoughts are brought to you by a total slacker who was completely distracted last week and forgot to post aforementioned Happy Thoughts.

Cheerios with Yogurt
Greasy grimy gopher guts
Birdies with clean feet
Lizard tails grow back after they accidentally get pulled off
When teachers like you
Kissing up
Bad hair days will always suck
People who stick their noses up in the air eventually get barbed-wire shoved up them :p
"The Phantom of the Opera"
Voice lessons
Good friends are forever friends
When friendly chipmunks are still friendly
A good night's rest
Naps (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)