Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jacob the Writer

Our Jacob has become quite the writer over the years. I didn't really know it until he started bringing home his writing assignments from school. They often make me laugh, and I have started saving them in his school folder. Here is his latest piece:

(no corrections have been made and all of the spelling and punctuation are typed as written by Jacob)

One day when I came to school there was a big, lumpy sack on the teacher's desk. When the teacher left, the sack started to move. Then it burst open and thick, green blobs shot out. I was covered in it.

Then I saw a brown thing climb out. It was a big turantula! We all screamed and ran out the door. When the teacher came back she said, "Where did the class go?" Then she saw the spider.

"AAAH!" she screamed and ran out the door. Me, Aidan, and Cameron P. are best friends. We didn't know what to do. Then we saw the spider come out of the room. It saw us and ran at us. "Come on," I shouted, "Let's get out of here!" We ran as fast as we could to the doors. We saw the teacher's car speeding away. We hid inside a bush right before the spider came out.

"I've got it," I whispered.

"What?" asked Cameron a little louder then we wanted. The spider looked our way and started walking slowly to us.

"Are there any cliffs around here?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's one down the street," said Aiden.

"Why?" Cameron asked.

"You'll see," I said.

"1, 2, 3 RUN!" I yelled. We ran to the cliff.

"Turn around when you get to the edge," I said. We did. When the spider tried, it fell off. We were safe. When the spider hit the ground it started squealing.

"Aww, cannot get your ship out," I said. We laughed.
Isn't it great? I love it! (says a proud Mom!)


Rachel said...

What a great story, Jacob! I love it. So much detail. And the spelling/punctuation/etc. is better than several of my college writing students--I kid you not!

Keep it up, Jacob!

MOM/SUSAN said...

Ah, the writing genes are continuing to filter down through the generations. You have no idea how happy this makes me! Great imagination Jacob. Maybe you'll write a book one day. You just never know.
By the way. I haven't been near my computer for days--a bit crazy around here--so I didn't see all of your other posts. Just so you know, I LOVE reading your posts, so, please keep it up.

Chris said...

I loved this story! Great job Jacob.