Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Vacation

I don't know what it is, but this summer I am not hating summer vacation! We've already been at it three weeks and I still like the children. I think one trick is to have the days packed with stuff, with just a few lazy days in between. Thus far we have had baseball camp, track and field camp (ongoing), Scouts, my parents visiting, helping friends move, church activities, etc. It sure makes the time fly by, and it keeps the kids entertained.

I'm also noticing how helpful all of the kids have been. It might be because they are growing and maturing, or it might be because they want to be helpful because I'm not as capable of doing things as I once was. It might also be because they want to get on my good side so I'll let them be the first one to hold the baby! Regardless, they have been so good. I've only had to raise my voice a few times.

This summer might also be going as well as it is because, as far as being pregnant, I am not in my first, or third trimesters! I went through the first trimester while three of the four kids were in school, and Josh was very patient with me. I'm in my "energy-driven" (relatively speaking) second trimester and so I still can just keep up with the kids. Thankfully, when I hit "beached whale" status, the kids will be back in school, and Joshua will impress me with his patience skills, once again.

I'm grateful for older kids. I never new how much fun and help they could be. Plus, with the older kids acting so responsibly, it helps the younger ones realize how they should act. It is just fantastic!

Of course, I wish it were just slightly cooler outside so I could send them out more. I'm really looking forward to the day when I don't have to worry about the heat index!


1 comment:

MOM/SUSAN said...

Lucky, lucky Mom you are. So glad it's being more than bearable for you. Love the new background!
Miss all of you something fierce, but what can one do? BLOG. BLOG with LOTS of photos. Yes, that's the answer.