Monday, July 30, 2007

And that is that.

Joshua is now army crawling. The baby is not even SIX MONTHS OLD! I just don't even know what to do. None of the other kids started showing an interest in crawling until they were almost twelve months! My life is over. I haven't begun to baby proof! *sob*

Here are some vids:

Pray for me! ;)


MOM/SUSAN said...

Oh my goodness! If it wasnt' so cute that he can do this, I'd be crying for you--but alas, it is what it is and I just want to eat him up! Just enjoy the cuteness of it.

Megan said...

I just love that he just grins at you . So cute! And it's not like he's moving super fast yet, right? Isn't that some silver lining?

Tara said...

Yep, you're in for it. I can say from experience because all three of my kids are like that. (Eddie just turned 5 mo, really close to yours, and is almost up to speed with your little guy). Let me know if you are ever in the area visiting your mom, I live 20 mins from her. :) (Glad to see you are back to blogging, I was wondering about you) -Tara

Naomi said...

Oy, I am so not ready for another crawler, but there's not much to do, is there? Good luck with yours. So much fun. They are fun, right? ;)

Next time we're in Utah we'll definitely look you up!