Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sleep Deprivation

I think if I were captured by some kind of enemy and subjected to torture I think all they'd have to do is leave me for a week with a baby who doesn't sleep. I think I'm actually having an out-of-body experience right now. This could probably even be considered sleep typing. Why is she typing this and not in bed, you ask? Well, because this is the only chance I have during the day to have some time to myself without somebody asking me for a snack or for Spongebob or somebody touching me. Is that horrible that I get to the point where I don't even want to be touched by my own kids? I think not. It's just natural, especially considering that Jarum is away in Texas and I don't have anyone with which to tag-team. He's home in three more nights, and I just hope I make it that long.

Dear Self,

Don't post to blogs when tired. You sound grumpy.


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