Friday, May 7, 2010

What is the best book you have ever read?

This is a really difficult question, as I have read a lot of really good books. Mostly it depends on what mood I'm in. Right now I would have to say that Pride and Prejudice is probably my favorite at the moment. I can read it again and again and I never tire of it. I glean something new with each read and I always get goosebumps at the end.

Of course, if I'm in a sci-fi mood I would have to say Dune, and if I'm in a fantasy mood I would choose The Lord of the Rings. I also enjoy To Kill a Mockingbird, the Harry Potter series, anything C.S. Lewis, etc.

Ask me anything


Rachel said...

I have never read Dune...

Naomi said...

And you call yourself our father's daughter?? For shame! tsk tsk tsk