Today's Happy Thoughts are brought to you by the joy that is watching my toddler rock out to R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World As We Know It" for the third consecutive listen. Rock on!
Automatic toasters
Ghost Stories
Warm quilts
Well-lit rooms
Telling time
Ice Cream
Tying your shoes
Clean chalk boards
Not getting in trouble for saying, "You Suck!"
You get a lot out of playing country songs backward
Anyone can learn to country dance
Slow dances
Stake dances
Spanish and French are semi-similar
"I Moan" is not so terrible
Jumping on trampolines with boys
Being Evile
You are funny. I like "you get a lot by playing country songs backwards." Funny. Thanks for the happy thoughts. They make me want to HUG you REEEEEALLLY tight. You know the kind of hug where you shake back and forth so good that you can feel your booty jiggling in the back. LOL :) That's how much I like ya! :) SILC forever!
SILC ROCKS! *holds booty to keep from jiggling*
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