Monday, March 17, 2008

My mom and I took the kids to the Hogle Zoo (or "zoom" as Matt calls it) a couple of weeks ago and had a really good time! The following pics of the kids in front of the gorilla are funny because the last time we went to the zoo as a family, it was just me, Jarum, and Jacob. We have a pic of one year old Jacob in front of this very gorilla, so I thought it would be fun to show how much he, and our family, have grown!

I also got a haircut. I love it. A lot.
And as far as the rest of life is going, things are going pretty well! Jarum is doing well in Iraq and having fun playing in softball tournaments and such. The kids are all doing incredibly well and are excited to be going to California in April to visit the Boyers. And I am here doing whatever it is I do here. But whatever "it" is, I'm enjoying it and doing it really well. :D

Oh, and I am highly amused by this. *giggle*


Tara said...

Oh my gosh, that trailer was FUNNY to say the least. I love your new hair-cut. So what are you doing with all your gorgeous curls? Glad things are going well and you are having a good time. Josh goes to that zoo next week for a school trip, not sure if I will brave it with Eddie yet, I might just go another day. So, are you as "done" with the snow as I am, my California girlfriend?

Naomi said...

Thanks for the niceness. All of the curls are gone, and thank goodness. I finally updated my hair to at least this century!

And yes, I am so very much ready for it to be Spring! Loved the snow, but I am ready for the warmth again!