Friday, September 21, 2007

Camera Broke

I have to apologize for my lack of updates on the blog. Our digital camera broke. :(

Anyway, we're all doing fine. Jacob has three gaping holes in his mouth from missing teeth (the Tooth Fairy has been very busy at our house this month!). If I had a camera, you would see the pic. Perhaps I'll need to borrow from my neighbor... Jacob has also been named Student of the Month for his class this month. He's the first of the year. YAY Jacob!

Anyway, Kaylee has finally made the adjustment to PreK and I have to say that she is much better behaved at home, as well. THANK YOU, PREK! She comes home everyday and tells me what she did and what she learned. She'll run up to me with random tidbits such as, "Mom! S-U-N-N-Y spells SUNNY" or "Pyramids end a sentence!" *giggle*

Matthew has mostly outgrown the tantrum phase and is now in his everything-I-do-makes-my-Mom-laugh phase. His vocabulary is coming along quite nicely and his facial expressions and such while he's talking are just hilarious. He's been a great help as the newest "oldest kid at home" while the others are at school.

Josh almost has the hands and knees crawl down pat. He still finds that it is faster to get around with the Army crawl, but every once in a while we'll catch him at "real" crawling. He has also learned how to pull himself up to standing in his crib, against the couch, etc. He thinks he's pretty hot stuff. And... I suppose he is!

Jarum is going to be getting a new job at Church here pretty soon. We don't know what it is, but we'll find out on Saturday. It's at the Stake level, or so it seems, seeing as we have to drive up to Savannah and meet with the Stake Pres. to get the call. I have to admit, I'm a wee bit nervous, but mostly excited.

And I had strep. Again. Anybody know how to perform a tonsilectomy out there? I'm not picky! :D


Rachel said...

What happened to you camera!? Bah! I hope you have plans to get a new one to continue documenting your children's cuteness.

Naomi said...

I have no idea what happened to the camera. It just stopped turning on. Changed the batteries and everything. I just thank my lucky stars that I keep all of my pics on the memory card and not in the internal memory!

We plan on purchasing a new one soon. I feel completely naked without one!

Megan said...

I know how to do a tonsilectomy in theory, but not in practicepyramid I sort of was asleep for itpyramid